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< SampleSpecs
Версия от 10:37, 18 июня 2023; AntonFarygin (обсуждение | вклад)
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Пример спека для модуля TEXMF (макропакет LaTeX)

Подробнее см. TeXPolicy

%define srcName sample

Name: texmf-latex-%srcName
Version: 0.1
Release: alt1
Summary: Sample spec for texmf-latex module
License: %lppl
Group: Publishing

BuildArch: noarch

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-texmf rpm-build-licenses
BuildRequires: ctanify texlive-latex-base

Source0: %srcName-%version.tar

Long description here.
CTAN package info page is a good source for description in English.

%setup -n %srcName-%version

latex %srcName.ins
latex %srcName.dtx
latex %srcName.dtx

mkdir -p %buildroot%_texmfmain
# ctanify is not universal, but is a recommended way to create TEXMF file layouts 
# for packages. Adjustments may be necessary in some cases, see ctanify(1) for more info.
ctanify --pkgname=%srcName --tdsdir=%buildroot/%_texmfmain *


* Thu Jun 11 2009 Kirill Maslinsky <> 0.1-alt1
- initial revision