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Smart-Proxy предоставляет API-интерфейс подсистем DNS, DHCP и т.п. для взаимодействия с системами управления инфраструктурой высокого уровня

Установка smart-proxy

apt-get install smart-proxy-compat

Пред запуском сервиса проверяем содержимое файлов ниже


# URL of the puppet master itself for API requests.
# SSL certificates used to access the CA API.
:puppet_ssl_ca: /etc/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
:puppet_ssl_cert: /etc/puppet/ssl/certs/
:puppet_ssl_key: /etc/puppet/ssl/private_keys/


# URL of the puppet master itself for API requests.
# SSL certificates used to access the CA API.
:puppet_ssl_ca: /etc/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
:puppet_ssl_cert: /etc/puppet/ssl/certs/
:puppet_ssl_key: /etc/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
# Smart Proxy api timeout when Puppet's environment classes api is used and classes cache is disabled
:api_timeout: 30


# PuppetCA management
# Can be true, false, or http/https to enable just one of the protocols
:enabled: http
# valid providers:
#   - puppetca_hostname_whitelisting (verify CSRs based on a hostname whitelist)
#   - puppetca_token_whitelisting (verify CSRs based on a token whitelist)
:use_provider: puppetca_hostname_whitelisting
# Puppet version used
:puppet_version: 7.1.0


# Can be true, false, or http/https to enable just one of the protocols
:enabled: http
# valid providers:
#   puppet_proxy_mcollective (uses mco puppet)
#   puppet_proxy_ssh         (run puppet over ssh)
#   puppet_proxy_salt        (uses salt
#   puppet_proxy_customrun   (calls a custom command with args)
#:use_provider: puppet_proxy_customrun
:puppet_version: 7.1.0


# Configuration of the PuppetCA hostname_whitelisting provider
:autosignfile: /etc/puppet/autosign.conf


# Can be true, false, or http/https to enable just one of the protocols
:enabled: true

Проверяем наличие файла /etc/puppet/autosign.conf и установленные на него разрешения

touch /etc/puppet/autosign.conf
chmod 664 /etc/puppet/autosign.conf

Разрешаем и запускаем сервис smart-proxy

systemctl enable smart-proxy; systemctl start smart-proxy

Настройка подключения Foreman и Smart-proxy

Настройка соединения Foreman и Smart-proxy производится через веб интерфейс Foreman. Потребуется перейти в меню Инфраструктура -> Капсулы -> Create Smart Proxy или по прямой ссылке

Адрес Smart-proxy

Запустите (через перезапуск) smart-proxy:

# systemctl restart smart-proxy