#NOTE:This file should be encoded with UTF-8 charset; [Global ] socket = "/var/run/voiceman.socket" # Uncomment the following line to allow TCP/IP connections: #port = 5511 log file name = "/tmp/voiceman.log" tones = yes [Default] output="rus_output" chars = "0123456789.,;:_-+=[]&<>""'/\|?~`!@#$%^*(){}" [output] type="command" name="eng_output" lang="eng" command="/usr/local/bin/freephone -h /usr/local/share/mbrola/lexicon | /usr/local/bin/mbrola -v %v -f %p -t %r /usr/local/share/mbrola/voices/en1 - - | /usr/local/bin/voiceman-trim --words | aplay -t raw -f s16 -c 1 -r 16000" rate="2:0.3:1.08" pitch="2:0.2:1.8" volume="2:0:4" [output] type="command" name="rus_output" lang="rus" command="iconv -f utf-8 -t koi8-r | /usr/local/bin/ru_tts -s /usr/local/share/ru_tts/lexicon -r %r -p %p | /usr/local/bin/voiceman-trim | aplay -t raw -f s8 -c 1 -r 10000" rate="2:0:0.002" pitch="2:0:0.3" volume="2:0:1" cap list="б бэ в вэ к ка с эс"